Activate Skulls: -------------------------------------------------- Brute Force, load all Skulls: (global long num 0) (script continuous skullz (ice_cream_flavor_available num) (ice_cream_flavor_stock num) (set num (+ num 1)) ) -------------------------------------------------- (ice_cream_flavor_stock 0) ; Envy - Delta Halo, 05a_deltaapproach: The Master Chief now has an Active Camouflage device just like the Arbiter's (ice_cream_flavor_stock 1) ; Grunt Birthday Party - The Arbiter, 04a_gasgiant: Headshots turn into Plasma Grenade explosions (ice_cream_flavor_stock 2) ; Assassins - Regret, 05b_deltatowers: All enemies in game are permanently cloaked (ice_cream_flavor_stock 3) ; Whuppopotamus - The Armory, 01b_spacestation: Unknown (ice_cream_flavor_stock 4) ; Famine - The Oracle, 04b_floodlab: All dropped weapons have half ammo (ice_cream_flavor_stock 5) ; IWHBYD - Outskirts, 03a_oldmombasa: The rarity of combat dialog is changed (ice_cream_flavor_stock 6) ; Blind - Outskirts, 03a_oldmombasa: Your HUD becomes invisible (ice_cream_flavor_stock 7) ; Ghost - Uprising, 08a_deltacliffs: A.I. characters will not flinch from attacks, melee or otherwise (ice_cream_flavor_stock 8) ; Black eye - The Great Journey, 08b_deltacontrol: Your shield does not charge normally. To charge your shields you must kill something (enemy, ally, or turret) with a melee attack (anything but the Energy Sword) (ice_cream_flavor_stock 9) ; Catch - Metropolis, 03b_newmombasa: A.I. will throw more grenades (ice_cream_flavor_stock 10) ; Sputnik - Quarantine Zone, 06b_floodzone: The mass of certain objects is severely reduced (ice_cream_flavor_stock 11) ; Iron - High Charity, 07b_forerunnership: When playing co-op, if either player dies the game restarts you at your last checkpoint (ice_cream_flavor_stock 12) ; Mythic - Sacred Icon, 06a_sentinelwalls: Enemies and allies have double the health and shielding they have on legendary (ice_cream_flavor_stock 13) ; Angry - Gravemind, 07a_highcharity: Enemies fire their weapons faster and more frequently ; More info about the skulls: