Halo 2 Editing Kit Tutorial Prev Page Prev Page
About the Halo 2 Map Editor and its Tools
What's new in Halo 2 Editing
Technology Overview
The Halo 2 for Windows Vista Engine
System Requirements
Definitions & Terms
Definitions & Terms
The Development Environment
Map Editor Contents
Map Editor Installation
Additional Tools and Utilities
Development Tools Overview
.ass Exporter
Halo 2 Tool
Halo 2 Guerilla
Halo 2 Sapien
Halo 2 Map Editor Launcher
Using .ass Exporter
Using .ass Exporter
Using Halo 2 Sapien
Asset Manipulation Gizmo
Halo 2 Sapien Game Window
Halo 2 Sapien Menus
Placing Objects
Placing Lights
Spawn Zones
Decorator Brush
World Ruler
Reset Object Z Height
Gravity Lifts
Sound Effects
Kill Trigger Volumes
Adding Extra Vehicles & Turrets
Game Types
Game Types
Capture The Flag
King of the Hill
Using Halo 2 Guerilla
Sky Boxes
Sky Light Values
Starting Equipment
The Object Palette
Description Text
Location Text
Map Shots
Using Halo 2 Map Editor Launcher
Using Halo 2 Map Editor Launcher
Halo 2 Tool Level Creation
Halo 2 Level Creation
Import Structure
Generate Lightmaps
Import Descriptions
Creating Unicode Strings
Building Cache Files
Halo 2 Tool Texture Creation
Import Bitmaps
General Level Design Information
Design Style Guidelines
Technical Design Rules
Design Suggestions
Player Statistics and Metrics
Equipment List
Multiplayer Level Design
Getting Started
Tutorial 1: Creating an Environment in 3ds Max
Tutorial 2: Exporting an Environment from 3ds Max
Tutorial 3: Importing an Environment to Tag Format
Tutorial 4: Placing Spawn Points Using Halo 2Sapien
Tutorial 5: Creating and Editing Environment Tags Using Halo 2 Guerilla
Tutorial 6: Synching Tags and Launching into the Game Environment
Additional Resources
Console Command List
File Specifications
.ass File Specification
Sample .ass file

Sapien Menus

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Open Scenario: Opens an existing scenario that has been exported from a 3D modeling program and converted for editor use through Halo 2 Tool. Opening a scenario automatically closes any open scenario.

Save Scenario: Saves the open scenario.

Save Scenario As: Saves the open scenario with a different name or at a different location you specify.

Exit: Closes Sapien.


Expert Mode: Unlocks fields in the Properties palette that are otherwise inaccessible. Recommended only for expert users.

Reset Object Z: Resets the selected object's z plane coordinate to 0.

Copy Object Transform: Copies the exact position and orientation of a selected object within the scenario to the clipboard.

Apply Object Transform: Pastes the selected object to the exact position and orientation of a previously copied object from the clipboard. This command pastes the object exactly on top of the copied object.

Hexadecimal Mode: Changes unique IDs for objects to hexadecimal format.


Toolbar: Toggles the toolbar on and off.

Status Bar: Toggles the status bar on and off.

Game View: Toggles the Game Window on and off.

Property View: Toggles the Properties Palette on and off.

Hierarchy View: Toggles the Hierarchy Pane on and off.

Tool Option View: Toggles the Tool Window on and off.

Reset Window Prefs: Resets the Sapien windows settings to the default settings. The window arrangement when closing Halo 2 Sapien will be saved in preferences.


Map Reset: Resets the scenario to its launch state.


Help: Opens the complete Help file for the Halo 2 Map Editor for Halo 2 for Windows Vista.

Getting Started with Sapien: Links to the Sapien sections located in the Help file for the Halo 2 Map Editor.

Halo 2 for Windows Vista Website: Takes you to the official Halo 2 for Windows Vista website.

About: Provides general information about Sapien including the version number and copyright information.