Halo 2 Editing Kit Tutorial Prev Page Prev Page
About the Halo 2 Map Editor and its Tools
What's new in Halo 2 Editing
Technology Overview
The Halo 2 for Windows Vista Engine
System Requirements
Definitions & Terms
Definitions & Terms
The Development Environment
Map Editor Contents
Map Editor Installation
Additional Tools and Utilities
Development Tools Overview
.ass Exporter
Halo 2 Tool
Halo 2 Guerilla
Halo 2 Sapien
Halo 2 Map Editor Launcher
Using .ass Exporter
Using .ass Exporter
Using Halo 2 Sapien
Asset Manipulation Gizmo
Halo 2 Sapien Game Window
Halo 2 Sapien Menus
Placing Objects
Placing Lights
Spawn Zones
Decorator Brush
World Ruler
Reset Object Z Height
Gravity Lifts
Sound Effects
Kill Trigger Volumes
Adding Extra Vehicles & Turrets
Game Types
Game Types
Capture The Flag
King of the Hill
Using Halo 2 Guerilla
Sky Boxes
Sky Light Values
Starting Equipment
The Object Palette
Description Text
Location Text
Map Shots
Using Halo 2 Map Editor Launcher
Using Halo 2 Map Editor Launcher
Halo 2 Tool Level Creation
Halo 2 Level Creation
Import Structure
Generate Lightmaps
Import Descriptions
Creating Unicode Strings
Building Cache Files
Halo 2 Tool Texture Creation
Import Bitmaps
General Level Design Information
Design Style Guidelines
Technical Design Rules
Design Suggestions
Player Statistics and Metrics
Equipment List
Multiplayer Level Design
Getting Started
Tutorial 1: Creating an Environment in 3ds Max
Tutorial 2: Exporting an Environment from 3ds Max
Tutorial 3: Importing an Environment to Tag Format
Tutorial 4: Placing Spawn Points Using Halo 2Sapien
Tutorial 5: Creating and Editing Environment Tags Using Halo 2 Guerilla
Tutorial 6: Synching Tags and Launching into the Game Environment
Additional Resources
Console Command List
File Specifications
.ass File Specification
Sample .ass file

Halo 2 Sapien Game Window

Previous Topic  Next Topic 

The Game Window

The Game Window is used to place and modify objects in the scenario. It also allows preview of these additions in the scenario. The Game Window displays the scenario as it would appear in the game. The Game Window runs most Halo 2 game subsystems, including sound and physics.



Halo 2 Sapien Game Window


Located along the bottom of the Game Window is the status bar. It displays the coordinates of the cursor and camera position.

Halo 2 Sapien Controls

The following table lists the default controls and key commands used in Halo 2 Sapien, including shortcut keys for menu items. There are many other contextual key commands and controls that are specific to the type of object being edited or manipulated (such as lights).



Do this

Select an object in the Game Window

Left-click it

Add objects to a selection

Hold down CTRL while left-clicking the objects

Deselect an object or objects

Left-click the ground or a wall

Move a selected object

Click and drag the object or object handle

Select multiple objects

Click and drag a selection box around them

Jump to and zoom in the camera on a location

Double-click the location in the Game Window with the left mouse button

Jump to an object selected in the Hierarchy pane

Double-click the object in the Hierarchy pane or in the Game Window

Place a new instance of a selected object

Right-click the location you want to place it

Access camera controls

Click the wheel button anywhere in the game window

Display the Debug menu

Hold down the wheel button while pressing HOME

Change the camera movement speed

Rotate the mouse wheel, or tap SHIFT

Rotate the camera yaw in the Game Window

Hold down the wheel button and move the mouse left and right

Rotate the camera pitch in the Game Window

Hold down the wheel button and move the mouse forward and backward

Move the camera forward in the Game Window

Hold down the wheel button and press W

Move the camera backward in the Game Window

Hold down the wheel button and press A

Pan the camera left in the Game Window

Hold down the wheel button and press S

Pan the camera right in the Game Window

Hold down the wheel button and press D

Move the camera up in the Game Window

Hold down the wheel button and press R

Move the camera down in the Game Window

Hold down the wheel button and press F

Delete the selected object


Open the developer console in the Game Window

Press TILDE (~)

Reset the map

Press ALT+R

Copy object transform values

Press CTRL+K

Paste object transform values

Press CTRL+L

Create a new scenario

Press CTRL+N

Open an existing scenario

Press CTRL+O

Save a scenario

Press CTRL+S

Reset object Z


Import comments


The Hierarchy Pane

The Hierarchy Pane is the main interface for selecting and placing assets in the scenario. It’s similar to a Windows Explorer window, with the asset type tree in the left pane. Individual asset information is in the right pane. The folders are not actual file folders that reside on the hard drive; they are simply visual representations of the assets contained within the scenario. There are three buttons within the Hierarchy Pane: Edit Palettes, New Instance, and Delete.



Hierarchy View Window.


The Asset Type Palette

Sapien and the Halo 2 engine load only the game assets needed for each scenario. To load a specific asset, it must be added to the asset set. Individual assets are added through the Asset Type Palette. The Asset Type Palette is the list of assets Sapien and Halo 2 load into memory when a scenario is launched.

To add an asset type to a scenario

1.      In the Hierarchy Pane, click Edit Palettes to display the Asset Type Palette.

2.      On the Object Class menu, select the category of the object to add to the scenario, and then click Add.

3.      Browse to the location of the correct tag, click Add Tags, and then click Done.

There is no visual representation of assets within the scenario in the Hierarchy Pane. To verify your scenario assets, refer back to the list in the Asset Type Palette.

Note: Any asset added to the palette will always be loaded when the scenario is launched, even if the scenario does not contain that asset.

After the assets have been added to the Scenario palette, they can be placed within the scenario. To place an object, select the category in the Hierarchy pane—for example, objects\scenery—and then right-click in the Game Window to place the scenery object. After placement, use the Properties palette to set the type (only asset types on the palette are available).

For more information on placing objects, see the Placing Objects section.

The Properties Palette

The Properties palette is used to edit a selected object in the scenario. It displays the properties of the currently selected object in the Hierarchy pane. See the individual help sections for information on which properties may need to be configured on each particular object.

Note: Some boxes in the Properties palette are grayed out. These values are informational and are not editable.



Properties Palette Window.

Tool Window

The Tool Window displays the properties of the Asset Manipulation Gizmo. These options change the way Gizmo functions in selecting and positioning objects within the scenario.



Tool Window.


Local Axes: Sets the axes on the Gizmo to match the rotation of the object. If this is not checked, the Gizmo axes are positioned universally and do not move with changes to an object's position.

Gravity: Disables the movement handles on the Gizmo.

Active Marker Handles

Center Position: Toggles the free move handle (center handle) of Gizmo.

Translation: Toggles the move handles of Gizmo.

Rotation: Toggles the rotation handles of Gizmo.

Custom: Only used when setting trigger volumes. Allows resizing specific faces of trigger volumes (otherwise the whole volume is scaled).

Creation Options

Random Yaw: When checked, objects placed in the scenario (via right-click) have a randomly generated yaw setting.

Random Pitch: When checked, objects placed in the scenario (via right-click) have a randomly generated pitch setting.

Random Roll: When checked, objects placed in the scenario (via right-click) have a randomly generated roll setting.

View Options

Lock Selection: Locks the currently selected object so that another object cannot be selected.

Don't Draw Objects: Disables drawing objects in Sapien.

Draw Transparent Geometry: Renders transparent geometry, such as glass, in the Game Window.  

Only Draw Selected Items: Renders the currently selected object in the Game Window.